16 May 2012

I am craving a new tattoo so badly!

My boyfriend and I have been looking for an apartment, and having barely any luck. Nevertheless, any money we collectively have is being saved up for a first and last months deposit when we finally find and get accepted to one. I haven't gotten a tattoo for months! My newest ink is more than five months old. The other day while out at a viewing, Josh and I ran in to a friend of his who had just got a new tattoo done. He's covered already, I was hugely jealous! Especially with the fact my angelbites had to be taken out, I'm really biting to get something new done. I have that "naked" feeling you get when things aren't comfortable.

Tattooing is like acupuncture or walking on hot coals to me; it's soothing. It's a rush. All the positive emotion that comes with getting a tattoo outweighs the physical sensation for me... which isn't really pain anyway. Just intense pins-and-needles-like vibrations. With the business and stress life's presented lately, some fresh ink would really do me well!

Once we get settled in a new place, I'm going to put money towards either the piece I want done on my back or the one I want on my thigh. On my back, I'm planning to get dark, very realistic looking crow wings, and on my thigh, an extravagant dreamcatcher with a line from Poe, "All that we see or seem; is but a dream within a dream". 

I can't wait until life mellows out again, and I can afford another tattoo.

30 April 2012

I'm trying to stick with the old philosophy of "after every storm, there is a rainbow" and look upward.

There's only so much good luck and good fortune in the world, and therefore, it must be shared. Everything in life is like a Yin-Yang. So I know that if everything is going wrong for ME, despite it sucking, I know someone out there needs things to just go right for them more than I do. And when I need things to turn around, fate will bring back all that positive energy to balance life out. I definitely don't believe "nothing is given to you in life that you can't handle", but "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" is a phrase I can follow. 

So bring it, life. Jk, please stop being lame :)

26 April 2012

Ever wondered, what do a deaf persons' thoughts sound like? Or what a blind persons' dreams look like?

These are the questions my mind wanders off to when I stay up until 4am watching Smallville and spend another hour laying still as a statue trying to catch whatever z's I can before my 7:30am wakeup. Possibly inspired by the episode where Lionel Luther's "blindness" façade is seen through, I trailed off to these two questions; and they just boggle my mind with possible answers.

If a person never hears any spoken language, what do they sound like in their own head? Symbols with representative features and no sound? Or do they guess the noises that might be produced by the formation of a persons mouth? Can they still hear their own voice in their head? If so, what language is it speaking in? Possibly, they've created their own language form. Possibly, the concept of language is something in our nature, rather than something we learn from our environment while developing. All existing ones had to come from somewhere before they were set in stone by dictionaries and ruled by grammar. But then again, if you look at feral children who have no concept of language whatsoever - other than a few grunts, growls and moans they could have inherited from animals or surrounding sounds, like beatboxers do - this theory is out-ruled. They have never heard anything, they have no concept of sound, so what exactly DO their thoughts sound like to them?

The same goes for blind people. They have never seen, so what do they dream of? They've heard, felt, tasted, smelled.. maybe those things make up their visions of things unseen. We've never seen Heaven or Hell, but all of us have some idea of what it might look like. In a way, we are blind to things we imagine. But those with the ability to see, could be producing imaginations by distorting the reality they view every day. Or maybe there are cases like DareDevil, where supersonic hearing grants the gift of "sight" when noises are made. I should look up blind painters...

And then arises the question, what if you are deaf AND blind? You have nothing to go off other than touch, smell, and taste... ahhhhh, I'll leave that one to explore in another blog.